Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Nothing is Too Hard for the Lord

 Dear Friends, 

The last post that I wrote about our ministry here detailed the difficulties that we have been undergoing. We were stuck at a roadblock, unable to move forward in the way that we believed the Lord was leading us. 

My heart was heavy for a number of months and I felt baffled, laying the whole situation before the Lord morning by morning. 

Local ordinances and laws were blocking the way; we were unable to move forward.  

Finally, we decided that perhaps building onto our own home was the only way. We continued to pray and to seek the Lord's direction. I wrote about this decision on my blog. 

I felt uneasy in my spirit. 

Whenever I feel this way, I sense that it is the Lord speaking to me, telling me to stop and wait and to continue in prayer. 

For many months, the way continued to be closed to us. 

However, through a series of unusual circumstances, the Lord showed us a loophole in the law that would require us to rezone our property but that would also enable us to go forward. 

Step by step, the way slowly opened to us. Our land was surveyed, we submitted our request to the local town board, and then to the county board. It was a long and tedious process that took many months. 

At the end of the process, our request was approved. 

And here we are. At the end of a long and winding road of many tears, prayers, doubts, fears, and faith in a mighty God who is able to do great and mighty things when there seems to be no way. 

And now we go forward with grateful hearts. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we begin to make plans to renovate the Missionary House. I will continue to provide updates here as the Lord leads me and as I am able to. If anyone would like to join our prayer group for our ministry where I post more frequently, the link is HERE. 

Praising the Lord for all that He has done,


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Every Living Thing: A New Devotional

I'm excited to share a project with you that has finally come to completion. Every Living Thing: Devotional Readings Drawing Our Hearts Near to God Through His Creation is a compilation of devotional entries intended to encourage us in our relationship with our Heavenly Father and to open our eyes to His handiwork and movement in creation all around us. 

This devotional was a joy and quite a journey to write. The Lord placed its completion upon my heart and I've been working on it in the bits and pieces of my time, especially in the early morning hours when my children are still asleep (I always find that this is the best time for me to write without interruption :-) ). 

Every Living Thing is a 31-day devotional and may be purchased on Amazon or directly through me. It is available in paperback or as a Kindle Ebook. The link for Amazon is below. Please reply in the comment section if you would like me to send it to you directly. 


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

In Loving Memory of Tippy


This summer, we took in another dog. His name was Tippy; we had acquired him from an Amish family whose son has been helping me mow the grass and do yardwork this summer. 

I noticed Tippy every time I would drop the boy off at his home. Tippy was obviously older, and tried to keep up with the two other Australian Shepherds that he lived with. He was a mutt, probably some kind of mixture between a fox terrier and a beagle, but we weren't absolutely sure. 

Tippy was toughened by years of living outdoors and in the barn through summer and winter; he would approach my van barking, and then sidle up to me and rest his head against my leg after I opened the van door so that I could pet him. He was hungry for attention. 

One day, I asked my young Amish friend a question about Tippy, and he replied, "Do ya want him?" Apparently, they didn't have much use for Tippy anymore as a farm dog and were concerned that he couldn't make it through another winter as he had had a difficult time making it through the previous one. I probably should have asked more questions, but I didn't. 

Eventually, a few weeks later, we took Tippy in. My husband brought him home, a look of bemusement on his face as he rolled into our driveway with Tippy on his lap. Tippy was anxious in the car and the only logical thing that the dog could think to do was to join my husband on the driver's seat! 

He was anxious from the beginning, a bit of a distracted dog, who never quite knew what to do with himself. At first, he wanted to roam our land, chasing anything that moved, including our pet rabbits, until we taught him that all of this frantic activity was out of bounds.

He had never lived inside of someone's home before, and much to his delight, he found our couch a welcome respite for his old bones and arthritic joints. He also liked to sleep under my daughter Debbie's dollhouse; it seemed he felt safe beneath the table that supported it. 

At first, Tippy did well living in our home, but as the days and weeks went by, we began to experience problems. Tippy would grow extremely anxious when we would leave the home to run errands and began chewing our furniture. It eventually turned into frenzied behavior, and I realized that it was becoming a serious problem when he tore apart our couch one day while we were gone. His behavior increasingly became worse and worse, intensifying, but only when we left the home. He could not handle being left in any enclosed space if people were not around and we realized that he had severe anxiety issues from his upbringing.

Other problems arose. He was infested with fleas, a fact which we realized once our other dog started scratching and rolling on the carpet. He had severe parasites which we had to deal with with a de wormer. He began going to the bathroom all over the floor and eventually we realized that he had kidney issues. His stomach became swollen and distended. Tippy was half-crippled and was missing most of his teeth, but he still managed to climb on tables, destroy furniture, bay for hours like a beagle who had cornered a coon, and finally learned how to turn our stove on when we were not home. This was the last straw. 

One day, I came home and heard a clicking noise. Going into the kitchen, I realized that the stove was on, an open live flame that could have caught our home on fire. I knew that something must be done. 

Nothing had worked. We had even tried a kennel, but Tippy went wild in it, bending the bars with his teeth and bleeding from his mouth. When we would return home, he was hyperventilating, and I was concerned that he would end his own life in a terrible way. I knew that he was old and worn and that he had led a hard life. There was nothing left to be done for him here; we had exhausted every viable option.

And yet, now I was closer to Tippy. I felt sorry for this poor, pathetic animal who had led such a difficult life. And yet, because  his health and behavioral problems intensified, I finally made the difficult decision to have him put down. 

We buried Tippy along a quiet path near the back corner of our property, his old, scarred, worn body laid to rest beneath a beautiful oak tree covering. I cried for him and laid flowers on his grave, feeling that I had let him down. 

We buried him on the first day of fall, a beautiful day, and I thought of how he would have loved to be outside enjoying the loveliness of it. But he was gone. 

Early in the morning, I would walk down the path alone and talk to him, telling him how sorry I was that I could not help him. I felt so much pain in my soul because I could not see him through his problems. 

During this time, I talked to the Lord, struggling with this situation and wanting to know if Tippy's little life would be redeemed in some way. 

Some may disagree, but I believe that the Bible teaches that no life is wasted, and that the Lord will renew even His creation, the creation that groans because of the weight of sin and death. 

I asked the Lord to reveal to me if Tippy's life would be redeemed, that his years of suffering would not be wasted, and my heart was torn in the wondering anguish. 

And there was silence. Silence on that beautiful fall morning that I talked to the Lord about it. I thought that maybe He would show me a deer or another living thing to validate His promise. I looked around me, but only silence and the murmuring of the tree's branches in the gentle breeze. Perhaps it was over for Tippy, I thought, for every living thing that dies because of sin and death in this often cruel world. 

There was beauty all around me as I walked the path back toward our house in sadness, but I could not connect with it that day. There was an emptiness, a loss, a void, that only Jesus could fill in His time and way. Some things are like that. 

Time does not heal every wound in this life; there are scars that we carry that only heaven will erase, and they will be erased because of the scars on Jesus' hands and feet. My hurt would not be healed that day. 

The next day I was driving home with my children during a downpour. In the Midwest, the skies are vast and when it rains, it often comes down in torrents. 

The rain began clearing in some parts of the sky, and all of a sudden, as though stretched over our home in the great, vast distance, a massive rainbow appeared in the sky. 

I knew that the Lord was speaking to me about Tippy. I knew that He was speaking to my broken heart the truth that all life would be redeemed. He sent the rainbow into my vision at that time to remind me of His promise. It was not an accident or a coincidence. 

Tippy died on the first day of fall, the season of dying that is beautiful at first, but ends cold and bare and lonely, as everything withers around us. 

But I am waiting for spring again when I may place flowers on Tippy's grave and know that the Lord will fulfill His promise--that my sin and the sin of the whole world will never stop God from redeeming His creation. It will be redeemed on the day that He makes all things new.

I'm reminded of one of my favorite scenes in the mid-90's television series, Christy, in which a little boy from the Ozarks tearfully asks the older and wiser Quaker lady "Miss Alice" whether or not he will see his beloved dog again after the animal dies. She, wanting to be theologically accurate, reminds him of the verse in the book of Ecclesiastes where it states that the souls of people go heavenward, but the bodies of animals go into the ground. But then she adds, thoughtfully, that who knows what the Lord has in store for the little boy's dog, as 

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

I Corinthians 2:9

The little boy then responds with hope in his voice, (paraphrasing) "that sure seems like I will see my dog again." 

Nothing with God is wasted. And He knows the pain in our hearts that only heaven and the fulfillment of His promise that every tear will be erased. 

He is the Healer of all things and the Redeemer of all things.

Tippy's little life will not be wasted. I trust Him for that. 

In loving memory of Tippy. 
Born: ?
Died: September 23, 2023

Thursday, June 29, 2023


It is only beyond what is humanly reasonable and possible that we see the glory of God.

~Lilias Trotter


There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.

~Hudson Taylor

I feel like I've been standing on the banks of the Jordan for a long time. The water has been washing over my sandal-clad feet and I smell the fresh clean breeze of change around me. 

I'm ready to step in, Lord. Lead me. But I need You to part the waters.

 And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward (Exodus 14:15).

I believe that the Lord led us here; He never leads us to leave us. His name and reputation are at stake. 

The Lord will part these waters for us.

We will go forward. Because of Who He is. 

Is the work God's work? Has He called you to do it, and equipped you for it? Be sure on these points. Take time to consider and pray and find what the will of the Lord is. Then when the difficulties have been considered and the needs fairly measured, and the clear conviction remains that God calls you to rise and build, then put your hand to the plough and never look back (Streams in the Desert)

Please pray, dear friends, for wisdom and direction in going forward

I had shared a little while ago that we had decided on adding on to our home with a living space for those who came to Herrnhut rather than focusing on renovating an outbuilding on our property. We had come up against opposition in going forward in the former direction regarding the building and residency codes in the county in Wisconsin where we live. 

Please pray for wisdom in how the Lord wants to lead us forward now. We need His direction and guidance.

Another need that has been upon my heart is the need for someone to help to take care of the grounds here. I do much of the work myself with the help of my children, family members, and the help of a local boy. My husband works long hours doing construction and driving for an Amish crew, and so his time is taken up with that. 

I am unable to do some of the "heavier" work here, especially with the upkeep that I am already responsible for. I am praying that the Lord in His timing would send someone to help with the grounds. This is just a need that has been placed upon my heart; I am not certain how or when the Lord will supply this need. Please pray for His guidance and provision. 

We are grateful for your continued prayers. Our God is merciful and faithful to provide our needs. This work is His. We commit it into His hands. 

For Jesus,


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A Ministry Update ~~ As Promised! :-)

 Oh, that I had in the wilderness

A lodging place for travelers . . .
Jeremiah 9:2


We should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried. The more I am in a position to be tried in faith, the more I will have the opportunity of seeing God’s help and deliverance. Every fresh instance in which He helps and delivers me will increase my faith. The believer should not shrink from situations, positions, or circumstances in which his faith may be tried, but he should cheerfully embrace them as opportunities to see the hand of God stretched out in help and deliverance. Thus his faith will be strengthened.
~George Mueller

Dear friends, 

As many of you are aware, I've been asking for prayer for many months now. Our family has come up against great difficulty in going forward in renovating the outbuilding on our property for the ministry of hospitality that the Lord has called us to in the Midwest. 

We learned that according to the zoning ordinances in our county, we are not permitted to have what the county labels a "second residence," even though it would be used only for guests as part of our ministry. We have petitioned the board, asked many questions, and spent much time in prayer over this roadblock. 

We believe at this point that the Lord is leading us to build on to our home instead of renovating the outbuilding that we had planned to renovate. We intend to create a living area (general room/sleeping area/bathroom) for missionaries, pastors, and other believers who desire to come apart for a time of rest and refreshment in the Lord. This would eliminate the "roadblock" of a second residence and enable us to go forward as the Lord has called us. We are committing this to Him in prayer and trusting His perfect plan. 

Please pray for us as we move forward in this direction. We are very grateful for your prayers! 

He always makes a way--and He is able--the doors that He shuts no one can open and the doors that He opens no one can shut

We trust in Him and know that we will see His goodness in the land of the living as we wait for Him. 

Thank you for your continued prayers. 

For Jesus,
*To learn more about our ministry, click HERE

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Summer of Mercies and a Ministry Update~ Summer 2022

 Here we are; the fall is already upon us, and winter is just around the corner. 

I wanted to share an update with you all as well as to thank the Lord for His mercies . . . Time slips by quickly and I don't want to forget to share these things with you . . . 

We had a full summer, and I'll share a few things which either brought gladness to my heart or that the Lord spoke to me through~ some are happy and some sad . . . the Lord uses sun and rain to grow His children . . . have you found this to be true?

Working in the garden. This continually brings joy to my life. The preparing, the planting, the weeding, the watering, the harvesting, the storing . . . joy! My children and my niece and nephew are an abundant help to me outdoors. We have spent hundreds of happy hours working together. I am so grateful for each of them (the hours and my helpers! :-)) . 

We began to learn how to can and preserve a few years ago as well, and it has been a blessing to learn how to store food for the cold winter months ahead. We are still learning, and it continues to be a happy activity! :-) 

Chickens (and a duck). This past spring, we raised a few chicks and then converted an old milk house on our property into a dwelling for them. This has been a fun project and we have learned so much about taking care of chickens! My nephew, Simeon, was invaluable in helping with this project (he is my right-hand farmhand--haha! :-) ) The duck was given to us a little later by a friend and it is a happy addition to our menagerie as well!

Spending time with my littlest nephew. Oh, I love him! My sister gave birth to a sweet little one (Phinehas Enoch) last November, and his first year of life has been a joy to my heart and to our entire family. What a blessing to watch a baby slowly grow and learn and become curious about the world around them! What a joy to be able to love them. He is sweetness, determination, and cuteness encapsulated into a tiny human being! <3

The unchangeableness of God my Father. With so many changes taking place in the world, this truth is a great comfort to me. "Though all around my soul give way, He then is all my hope and stay . . " I am grateful for a Lord who does not change. He is faithful; and He is who He says He is with no shadow of turning. 

My friend, Angela, went home to be with the Lord. My close friend, Angie, lost her battle with breast cancer very recently; she was only 39 years old. I have known and loved Angie for quite a few years now, and her death was a difficult change to accept. I have strong peace and assurance that she is absent from her body and present with the Lord, but the road through the valley of the shadow is still a lonely place. 


~An Update on our Ministry here in the Midwest~

We have come up against a "roadblock" in going forward with what the Lord has called us to here in Wisconsin. 

The outbuilding that we had prayerfully intended to use for guests to stay in is being considered a "second residence" according to the building codes in our county. Under these codes, this is not allowed unless we subdivide our land or attach the building in some way to our home. Both of these options are not possible. We have met with our local town board and submitted a letter requesting a variance and are still waiting for a final answer after many months. For this reason, work on the Missionary House has halted while we wait. Please keep this situation in your prayers as we believe that this is a spiritual battle and that the Lord is able to remove this roadblock and allow us to continue to go forward. Please pray that He will part the waters before us that are barring the way. He is able. We are grateful for your prayers . . . 

I'll leave you all (hopefully! :-) ) with a smile. My daughter, Debbie, asked if she could have this large zucchini that grew in our garden this year. She dressed it up and lays it to sleep in her cradle in her room at night. 

It made me laugh! 

The Lord bless each one of you and keep you in His love and care . . . 


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fall and Winter of Mercies~October 2021~January 2022

Hello friends! I realized that it's been quite a while since I wrote one of these posts. Looking back through photos of the past few months, I wanted to share some of the ways that the Lord has been working in the details of our lives here. I'm thankful for His hand of mercy in everything surrounding me. Even when I don't see His hand, I trust that He is at work bringing all of the details of our lives together and making them beautiful in His time; praise Him. 

So much has taken place over the past few months--things that have have caused my heart great joy and other things that have brought sorrow. He works all things together for the good of those who love Him. We accept what comes from the Father's merciful hand and trust that even "behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face." 

Here are some of the things that have brought gladness into my heart over the past several months . . . 

My 13-year-old nephew built this compost bin for me out of scrap lumber and materials that we had in our basement (he did this in a few hours!). The panels slide! He has been such a help to me over the years and the Lord has really blessed him with a gift in working with wood. Thank you, Lord for helpful Simeon. 

My niece drew this sweet card for my birthday back in October. I love to look at the beautiful drawings and paintings that she creates. This one is of our dog, Daisy. Thank you, Lord, for my ever-creating, creative niece! :-) Thank you, Lord for giving me 39 years of life. Truly, every breath is from You; thank You. 

We always have cinnamon buns on Christmas morning; it's a tradition from my childhood. I cherish these traditions and hold them dear to my heart. Thank You for traditions and memories, Lord. 

I asked my husband to buy me this glass for Christmas. I know; I know--it's for an alcoholic beverage. I don't drink--just a personal decision (waiting for the best wine in heaven ;-)) but this glass reminded me of one of my favorite Christian films and expresses my love for simpler days and simpler times. 

A friend gave us this grape juice concentrate that she canned, as well as buttercup squash seeds for the next planting season. I'm very excited to plant the seeds in the spring--and to try the concentrate! The Lord has brought so many precious people into my life who have enriched my days in so many countless ways. Thank you Lord, for friends who share their knowledge and gifts from your earth. 

Below is a photo of a chicken soup that my children and I made from some squash that she also gave us! 

The birds that my Mom feeds during the year bring so much joy into our lives. The following are a few photos of these beautiful creatures outside on our birdbath and in the bushes. They daily remind me that if the Lord so cares for the birds, how much more will He care for His beloved children? Thank You, Lord for these constant reminders. 

Tufted Titmouse

Female Bluebird 

Female Goldfinch

Male Bluebird 

My brother-in-law got my name for our gift exchange for Christmas this year. He is a very creative individual :-). His gift made me laugh! He had decorated a huge silver tub to look like there was soil inside of it. Then, he "planted" different gifts inside that I had to "dig" out with garden gloves and a garden shovel. Here were two among many of his gifts that made me laugh--he knows that I survive on coffee and have always loved these Little Debbie Cosmic brownies. He taped the meme to the back of the Dunkin' Donuts gift card :-). I'm so thankful for the family members who the Lord has given to me; thank you Lord, for their presence in my life and for the laughter and encouragement and joy that they bring to me. 

And finally, here are a few photos of birds and wildlife around our property. I like to leave my perennials up during the winter so that the birds may enjoy the seeds! My Mom spreads seed for the wild turkeys and likes to tie leftover Christmas trees around the house for added protection from hawks for the birds. I love to watch her take so much care for the little birds and creatures. We have harsh winters here in the upper Midwest, and the creatures struggle to survive. Thank you Lord, for my Mom's tenderness towards Your creation. Thank you for giving us a way to show mercy to the birds and animals. 

And there you have it . . . I'll try to share another update soon, the Lord willing, and hopefully include an update about our ministry progress here. The Lord bless each one of you and keep you in His loving care.