Thursday, June 29, 2023


It is only beyond what is humanly reasonable and possible that we see the glory of God.

~Lilias Trotter


There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.

~Hudson Taylor

I feel like I've been standing on the banks of the Jordan for a long time. The water has been washing over my sandal-clad feet and I smell the fresh clean breeze of change around me. 

I'm ready to step in, Lord. Lead me. But I need You to part the waters.

 And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward (Exodus 14:15).

I believe that the Lord led us here; He never leads us to leave us. His name and reputation are at stake. 

The Lord will part these waters for us.

We will go forward. Because of Who He is. 

Is the work God's work? Has He called you to do it, and equipped you for it? Be sure on these points. Take time to consider and pray and find what the will of the Lord is. Then when the difficulties have been considered and the needs fairly measured, and the clear conviction remains that God calls you to rise and build, then put your hand to the plough and never look back (Streams in the Desert)

Please pray, dear friends, for wisdom and direction in going forward

I had shared a little while ago that we had decided on adding on to our home with a living space for those who came to Herrnhut rather than focusing on renovating an outbuilding on our property. We had come up against opposition in going forward in the former direction regarding the building and residency codes in the county in Wisconsin where we live. 

Please pray for wisdom in how the Lord wants to lead us forward now. We need His direction and guidance.

Another need that has been upon my heart is the need for someone to help to take care of the grounds here. I do much of the work myself with the help of my children, family members, and the help of a local boy. My husband works long hours doing construction and driving for an Amish crew, and so his time is taken up with that. 

I am unable to do some of the "heavier" work here, especially with the upkeep that I am already responsible for. I am praying that the Lord in His timing would send someone to help with the grounds. This is just a need that has been placed upon my heart; I am not certain how or when the Lord will supply this need. Please pray for His guidance and provision. 

We are grateful for your continued prayers. Our God is merciful and faithful to provide our needs. This work is His. We commit it into His hands. 

For Jesus,
