Monday, June 20, 2016

Surrender~Piano Solo Book Release

Calling all pianists! With a Joyful Noise has released a new piano solo book for late-intermediate to early-advanced pianists. Whether you are your church's pianist or you simply enjoy learning new music for personal enjoyment and reflection, finding new music books is always a joy. Coming from a church pianist who knows the struggle of finding new offertories, Amanda Tero has taken timeless songs and woven advanced techniques into simple, relaxing settings.

The songs in the piano solo book are commonly known as “invitation songs,” and the messages ring true. Have we laid all on the altar for God to control? Have we acknowledge our need for Christ and turned fully to Him? Have we truly surrendered all to Him? Are we daily seeking to be near Him so that we can say in assurance, “It is well with my soul?” Are we eagerly awaiting His eternal plans for us or do we still cling to that which will one day fade away?

Listen to all of the songs on YouTube.

About the Book
Level: Late-intermediate/Early Advanced
Pages: 37

Buy the Book
Visit or email Amanda at for more information on purchasing your own copy (digital or print).

About the Arranger
Amanda Tero is a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, currently living and teaching in Mississippi. She has played piano since 1998, studying under Karen Tero, Donna Hopkins, and Shelley Hayes. The Lord has given her opportunities to be involved in accompaniment, congregational playing, hymn-arranging, and recording since 1999.

Connect with Amanda

Be sure to hop by the other great blogs that are featuring Surrender on their blogs this month!


  1. Some of my favorite songs listed here. Will listen in. Grateful for pianists like you, those of us who don't have that gift so appreciate your lead in worship!

    1. Yes; she is a beautiful pianist! I really enjoyed her CD, The Solid Rock.

      Have a wonderful week, Bethany!

  2. This is the first time I've come across a 'piano book review'. I, too, am a church pianist and love finding and using new 'stuff'.

    Blessings to you and yours!

    Marie @

    1. Blessings to you also, Marie; I'm glad that you stopped by! :-)

  3. I used to be a church pianist, but at the present am only doing it when a substitute is needed. After many years of doing it regularly it was time for a break. But I do still enjoy playing and finding new music. Thanks for sharing this resource with us at #LMMLinkup!

    1. You're welcome, Gayl; have a blessed week! :-)

  4. Ooooh, this looks like a wonderful book to have in one's piano collection. And I am delighted to see many hymns that are favorites of mine :) I clicked on "I Surrender All" and am listening to it right now as I type this comment....I love it!

    I am off to check out the book on Amazon {{smiles}} Thank you for letting us know about this piano book with beautiful God-honoring music. Hugs and blessings to you!

    1. Oh, you're welcome, Stephanie! It was a blessing for me to be able to share about it! Amanda has a real heart for the Lord and it just shines through her music. I am so glad that you stopped by; have a blessed Lord's Day! :-)Much love to you through our beautiful Savior :-).

  5. Oh silly me, it's not on Amazon. When I saw Amanda's name I misread it for Amazon. hehehe

    Okay, now I am off to check out the book on the website :)
