
Monday, September 26, 2016

When Children Slow You Down

I've written about a gift that the Lord has given me over the past year--the gift of quietness

Another gift has come to me--a lesson--the lesson of slowing down. 

Before I had my babies, I loved to exercise--I walked and walked briskly through the New England neighborhood by the sea where I lived. I was consistent as a good clock--walking almost every day for years for a specified amount of time most days of the week even through snow and rain. When I didn't walk outside, I used my trusty treadmill--a hand-me-down from my great uncle. It was gloriously loud, but it served its purpose and kept me walking.  

Then, when my babies came, everything began to slow down for me. Even my walking. Oh, I still walked, but I adapted a more gentle pace to accommodate my children. 

One time, a neighbor (who also walked for exercise) passed by me with my carriage and commented quickly, "You used to walk so fast!" 

It was true. 

But the Lord was beginning to teach me a lesson, slowly at first, then with more intensity as the years have been passing. 

The lesson of slowing down. 

I have a personality that wants to get things done, cross things off a list; I love order and rhythm. 

The Lord is teaching my heart a new rhythm--the way that He wants me to walk with my children. 

And I have sensed Him admonishing me over and over again--slow down

Life is not a list of things that need to get done, (even though it is important to be organized and orderly)-- 

Life is a moment by moment opportunity to live the Gospel --

For me, the primary way that I do that right now is in raising my children--

Not to be bright or outgoing or witty or popular, but to know Jesus deeply, to be willing to suffer persecution for His sake, to count the cost in following Him whatever that will mean for them. 

And every moment is an opportunity--no matter how tired or weary or overwhelmed I may be-

Every moment. 

Their souls are precious.

And I need to take time to look at their tiny faces and to love their teachable hearts and do all that I can in the strength that God provides to love them and to nurture them and to lead them to the Lamb of Truth.

Children are not an "add-on," or a number, or a burden--

They are an unfathomable blessing--each one an opportunity--a soul to brighten the face of Heaven and to bring glory to God.

Children are a Treasure from the Lord, a precious gift.

Slow down, look into their faces, talk to them, relate everything to the Savior, plant truth and grace in their hearts . . . and it will grow

That is more important than the things that we think are so important. 

When we cook, when we clean, when we sing, when we read, when we play, when we pray--slow down--the joy that comes is indescribable--

And much more gratifying than merely crossing tasks off a list.

Does this mean that I may never walk "fast" again? Of course not--

And lists and order and organization are all blessings from His hand. 

The lesson for me was in slowing down to meet the needs of my little ones, to meet their needs first before my own, and sometimes that means laying aside my "list" or my plan or what I think needs to be accomplished. 

To love them. To spend time with them. To touch their tiny faces and to take their tiny hands--

To walk slowly with them--to let the others things go, for a moment, for a season--

He let the little children come . . . He was not too busy, too rushed--He who had the pressing needs of so many continually before Him. 

He let them come; may we, also--

For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.    

You might find me on these link-ups:

Strangers and Pilgrims on EarthInspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomWhat Joy is Mine, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, Raising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story, Women With Intention WednesdaysMessy Marriage,  Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdaySoul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewCounting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridayTell It To Me TuesdaysSHINE Blog HopA Little R&R WednesdaysTGI Saturdays Blog HopRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayLiving Proverbs 31Sharing His Beauty Blog LinkupCoffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market Friday


  1. I have to be honest, this is an area I really struggle with sometimes. Lately I've felt "off" and haven't been very slow, or maybe slower in some areas and not others. The boys are busy and they're requiring so much of my energy and my attention. It's important to slow though, as you mentioned. Walking with the boys is sometimes the best way to do just that. :)

  2. Lovely article! Thank you!! And this truly addresses one of my biggest challenges, because hurrying and to-do lists are written into my very nature. :)

  3. My dearest Rebekah, I had just read this post when I got distracted by your wedding story, but now I am back and ready to comment {{smiles}}

    You have such a beautiful way with words, dear friend, and as I read this post I could help but say amen to the wisdom you shared. I so appreciated your honesty. Your love and selflessness for your children and home shine through which makes for an incredible testimony and encouragement to others. Thank you....

    Have a most blessed week, sweet friend! Hugs!

  4. I love your words about slowing down. I have felt this same tug in the past year in my own life. Since my kids are grown my slowing down is to allow myself to sit in quiet stillness with God. It is in that place I listen and hear His voice.

    These words really hit home... "Life is a moment by moment opportunity to live the Gospel --: May we all find the quiet. slowing down to fully live the life God created for us.

  5. Beautiful post. My children are grown now but I tried to slow down and focus on them when they needed me. I fought the worldly opinion of 'take care of yourself first' which was becoming really popular when my children were little. I realized, that view point was not Christ-centered, but self-centered. Putting God and others before ourselves is the way of God and slowing down is needed for that. Thanks for sharing your heart here. Your children are blessed to have a mom like you. : )

  6. Definitely one of my biggest struggles. I am owned by my list at times- thank you for this encouragement!

  7. Setting aside that lengthy to do list to enjoy our children, it's a constant battle! Thanks for the timely encouragement today.

  8. Beautiful post Bekki! And a timely reminder for me as I babysit Lexi most mornings, a time when I have checklists to tick. I will even find myself ticking those things off in my head as accomplishments, but then I become convicted. Children are little for such a short time, and all dishes and unmade beds or unkempt hair will have another time to be put in order, but for now, I need to enjoy the precious time at hand.

    Thank you so much for this gentle reminder.

    Miss you!

  9. I have definitely noticed this myself - and am making a point to appreciate all that I'm learning in this season! Have a great week!

  10. Amy Carmichael quoted a Tamil proverb that said: Children tie the feet of the mother.

    She certainly lived the truth of this as Amma to so many orphans at Dohnavuhr, but what a life of service she demonstrated!

  11. Such a true post and great reminder! I have 4 running around and being quite loud even as I type this...which I never check blogs anymore because of this, ha, ha...It can be so hard to not slow down. But children have a way of MAKING us slow down, which is probably God's perfect plan for us, anyways. :)

  12. Thank you for this reminder. My three year old is at the point of expressing his opinions and frustrations by...throwing himself on the floor and In those moments, I've been frustrated but I need to remind myself of this and just slow down, sit and hold him. Delci from Blessings!

  13. Such a good lesson to remember. Sometimes I set out to do something with my kids like have them help me make muffins, only to be hurrying them and rushing them the entire time because they're too slow putting in all the ingredients and we have other things we need to do today, too. Not completely sure of the answer since we have 6 kids and life is pretty hectic, but it's a good reminder to cut out the unnecessary stuff so I can slow down more often and just be with them.

  14. Thank you for the reminder! My to-do list runs supreme some days, and I miss the moments with my kids. Moments I will never get back, but the to-do list will remain!
    Your #faithfilledFriday neighbor,

  15. They move slowly for such a short time. I love this, Rebekah! Thanks for this great reminder!! Blessings and thanks for linking up at CMB.

  16. This is lovely. There is a lot of benefit to slowing down sometimes and I love that we can learn so much from children. Visiting from Fresh Market Friday.

  17. Thank you for this reminder. In the midst of packing for an international move in a little more than two weeks, I really needed it! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on this week!
