
Friday, January 25, 2019

A Valentine's Giveaway! :-)

“Until the will and the affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone accept, His Lordship. The Cross, as it enters the love life, will reveal the heart’s truth.”
~Elisabeth Elliot


It's no secret; I love Valentine's Day. It's a holiday that brings back so many nostalgic, wonderful memories for me from my childhood and just sweetens the wintry month of February with its warmth. 

For a few years now, I've held a Valentine's Giveaway here on the blog. :-) I love these giveaways; they are so fun for me and I hope that they bring joy to you! I am praying that one of my readers will be blessed by this giveaway. 💗

This year, I am giving away a couple of wonderful resources and some other fun items (pictured below :-)) . . . 

Here is what this giveaway contains! 😊

This is a copy of my precious sister's novel about missionary David Brainerd and Jonathan Edward's daughter, Jerusha. This book will bless and feed your soul. It is a beautiful, fictional re-telling of these real characters in history combining fiction with a great detail of carefully researched historical fact. It is a beautiful, poignant love story that is both challenging and encouraging. You can read my review of A Holy Passion HERE

Old Fashioned is one of my favorite films. It's a movie that has just deeply touched my heart and I love to share its message with others. I watch this film over and over again (and this is from a person who doesn't watch a lot of movies because I have young children! :-)). If you have never seen Old Fashioned, please read my review HERE. It's a film that will just leave your spirit so full. It's not your typical Christian movie--Old Fashioned is a gritty, sensitive love story with so much depth and artistry and above all else, that points to Christ Jesus. 

I was introduced to Little Hope's Blessings through a friend's blog. :-) Ang makes such delightful things, like this rose-scented lotion and various other crafts/personal care items. I thought that this lotion (and the accompanying "bath bomb"--the other item of hers that I am giving away) --haha; that sounds dangerous! ;-) was just perfect for this giveaway! 💟

Oh, the Russell Stover chocolate heart. 😋So many fond memories of this Valentine's "staple" that reminds me of my childhood. My Mom and Dad would always give each of my sisters and I one of these on Valentine's Day. We looked forward to this so much and savored every chocolate it contained (except the jelly-filled one--I didn't like that one as a child! :-)). 
I included it in this giveaway for nostalgia's sake. :-) (this in not the one that I had as a child, by the way--this is a fresh one--haha! ;-)--in case you were nervous!)

I printed and framed one of my favorite quotes from Anne of Green Gables. :-). This quote always reminds me of Lamentations 3:23--that His mercies are new every morning--and who doesn't like to start their morning with a delightful, delicious cup of tea? (or coffee, in my case! ;-))

I hope that you enjoy this giveaway! I had so much fun putting it together! The Lord bless each one of you as you contemplate His great love for each of His dear children! 💟

Enter the giveaway below! 😊
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You might find me on these link-ups:

Inspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomRaising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story,  Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdayGood Morning Mondays,  Counting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridayRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayCoffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market FridayHeart Encouragement Thursday Sitting Among Friends Blog PartyFabulous Warm Heart PartyOh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWriter WednesdayTea and Word

Monday, January 14, 2019

Romantic, Feminine, Easy-to Use Hair Clips and Accessories

 Dear friends, I've begun selling Lilla Rose flexi clips and hair accessories as a fun way to supplement our family's income. As a stay-at-home, homeschooling Mom of two children, Lilla Rose is a way that I am able to help our family financially right from our home. :-) 

I am finding more and more that it is a really wonderful company to work for. I have already been connected with many other Christian sisters who also sell Lilla Rose as well as been introduced in a greater way to the many beautiful and useful products that Lilla Rose offers. 

Lilla Rose is not a "Christian" company, but many believers are involved in it--both in the administration department as well as in the sales end. I like this about Lilla Rose as well as the fact that their hair accessories encourage femininity and are so easy to use and effective! :-)

Aren't they lovely and feminine? This one reminds me of Anne of Green Gables . . . :-)

My niece wearing a Lilla rose flexi clip :-)

When I signed up for Lilla Rose, they gave me my own website URL and sent me their starter kit. This kit alone contained over a dozen beautiful hair accessories, such as the one below! It also contains business cards, a purple drop cloth useful for displays, pamphlets and other information that could be passed out to customers or prospective customers, as well as as other really useful selling tools! The starter kit itself was a treat to open! 

As I have been delving into learning about these products and connecting with other people who sell Lilla Rose, I have been impressed by the quality of these clips and accessories as well as very blessed to be able to ask questions through Facebook groups and of my group's leader and receive detailed, really helpful answers very quickly. It is truly a great company to work for; I now understand why many stay-at-home Moms choose Lilla Rose and really benefit from it.

After I joined Lilla Rose, I set up a Facebook group for anyone who wants to join to learn more about Lilla Rose and to be in involved in giveaways, etc. :-) If you would like to be a part of this group, please click on this link or on the picture below to join and I will add you to the group! 

If you have a chance, look over Lilla Rose's products; they are very unique and beautiful! This is one of my favorites for obvious reasons . . . :-)

I love these bobby pins as well! Lilla Rose sells such a wonderful variety of items! 

This month, Lilla Rose is also running a great sale that if you spend $40 or over, you receive  a free pair of bobbies. They have some really cute ones right now!! 

And finally, if anyone is curious about becoming a Lilla Rose stylist, please feel free to ask me any questions! I would love to answer them! If you are genuinely interested, please let me know either through messaging me on the side of this blog or commenting below. This is a fun, easy business that is great for some people and Lilla Rose is offering a great start-up price this month. 

So there you have it! :-) It was fun introducing my Lilla Rose business to you! :-)

You might find me on these link-ups:

Inspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomRaising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story, Messy Marriage,  Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdaySoul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewCounting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySHINE Blog HopRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayLiving Proverbs 31Coffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market FridayHeart Encouragement Thursday Sitting Among Friends Blog PartyFabulous Warm Heart PartyOh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWriter WednesdayTea and Word

Friday, January 4, 2019

Lessons I Want to Take Into the New Year

I love this quote from one of my favorite stories, Anne of Green Gables, "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." Anne's schoolteacher reminds her of this truth to which Anne determinedly repeats her teacher's words. The older woman, Miss Stacey, then adds a word at the end of her previous quote--" no mistakes in it yet." 

I found myself at the beginning of this year reflecting on some of the truths that the Lord has been teaching me over the past year and looking forward into the future with both hope and trepidation. As Gandalf tells Frodo in The Lord of the Rings, "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the Road and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." 

I've been contemplating some heavy things this past year, and have been reflecting upon how the Lord would have me step into the future with Him. I am closer to 40 this year than I was last year (I recently turned 36) and I want my life to count for something. But not for myself--for Him. Otherwise it is a wasted life--I read this quote in our church bulletin this past week--

Only one life; twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last.

I listened to a Fox newscaster interview several individuals on New Year's Eve and ask them what lessons they took away from the past year. The responses actually saddened me, as I realized afresh how lost and dying this world that we live in truly is without Jesus Christ. The theme that reverberated through most people's answers was, "I want to love myself more, appreciate myself, forgive myself." Without Christ, the focus and direction of our lives is turned upon ourselves--and what a sad place that is to end! 

Christ Jesus turns our direction and focus outward--toward Him--and then applies that knowledge of Himself to every area of our lives--the inward parts and then also in our dealings with fellow men. 

Perhaps this year, the Lord will use our lives to point other lives to Himself--to change the sad, inward focus of mankind and to offer the hope and joy of salvation to a lost and dying humanity. 

With those things in mind, these are some of the lessons that the Lord has been impressing upon my heart and spirit as He daily weans me away from being self-focused to becoming more formed to the image of His Son. It is truly a daily process for all of us, because we are just so human!! But I pray that these things may be more formed in me this year and I pray them also for you dear friends--

Lessons I Want to Take Into the New Year~~

Letting Go~ This has been an important one for me over the past year. Learning to surrender in the little and big areas of my life continues to be a daily decision and oftentimes a battle. Many times, we don't even realize how tightly we are holding on to something that the Lord wants us to let go of, to relinquish. Sometimes the "messiness" of life overtakes us and we need to fall upon our knees before our loving Father and cry out to Him for help and guidance and direction. Something that I feel very strongly about is that we don't need to embrace the "mess," but allow our Father to take the mess and to transform it into something of beauty and order and peace in our lives, whatever our situation--

Drop thy still dews of quietness,
till all our strivings cease;
take from our souls the strain and stress,
and let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of thy peace.
~John Greenleaf Whittier

When we learn to let go of our own plans and perceptions and self-focus, Christ exchanges these things for the joy that is life-giving and that brings order and peace and strength into our lives that would otherwise be chaotic and restricting in terms of our ability to be used for Him. 

Pressing On~ This is another area that I sense the Lord is continually placing before me. With my children, in areas of discipline and obedience in my life, in terms of embracing wholeheartedly what He has called me to do, and with making sure that the focus of my life continually is Christ and Him crucified--these are the areas that I need to press on in my daily walk with the Savior who poured out His life for me. 

Decreasing~ This has been a huge lesson that I've been confronted with and that each of us is confronted with on a daily basis as followers of Christ. This lesson hit home to me in a very real way this year when I knew that the Lord wanted me to give something up that I desired fervently. The Lord spoke to me specifically through this verse as I relinquished a dear hope into His hands. He fulfills the desires of our hearts, but at times, He also teaches us that something that we desire (even a very good thing) may not be His will for us individually and specifically. We see this in David's life when he desired a good thing--to build a temple for the Lord--but it was not for him to do. (II Samuel 7:1-17) The letting go is painful and hard, but the blossom is glorious and sweet and brings honor to the One who is Greater. 

Bringing Glory to Christ~This is the final lesson that I want to bring into the New Year. It is so easy to get caught up in the trivial, in the worries and cares of this life, that our focus can shift from the Glorious to the superficial and empty. When we keep our focus upon Christ and His glory, sincerely, not just in word but from the heart, we honor Him. And those who honor Him, He will honor. It is my heart's prayer and desire to hear those precious words at the end of my life--"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord." (Matthew 24:21) May this be the prayer of each of our hearts! 

The sands of time are sinking,
The dawn of Heaven breaks;
The summer morn I’ve sighed for—
The fair, sweet morn awakes:
Dark, dark hath been the midnight,
But dayspring is at hand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land.
~Anne R. Cousin


Dear Friends, I'd like to take this opportunity to invite each of you to a Facebook group that I've started! I've recently begun selling Lilla Rose hair accessories and would love for anyone to join this group on Facebook if you are interested in learning more about Lilla Rose or already appreciate their pretty, feminine hair accessories. Each and every one of you is welcome. Just follow the link below and request to be added and I will add you. :-) 

Join Group

You might find me on these link-ups:

Inspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomRaising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story, Messy Marriage,  Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdaySoul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewCounting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySHINE Blog HopRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayLiving Proverbs 31Coffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market FridayHeart Encouragement Thursday Sitting Among Friends Blog PartyFabulous Warm Heart PartyOh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWriter WednesdayTea and Word